Our Services
We focus on minimally invasive dentistry. That means that we try to be very conservative when recommending treatment. We believe that the body is the best healer, but we also recognize that our bodies may need help.
Early/Preventative care
- Dental exam focusing on how to avoid decay and gum disease
- Early orthodontic evaluation and referral as needed
- Fluoride
-Sealants on permanent molars to reduce risk of cavities
- Nitrous Oxide/Laughing Gas as needed
- TVs on the ceiling
- Laser (anesthesia free) Dentistry
- IV Sedation (as a last resort for those patients that have urgent dental needs/infections and cannot tolerate restorative treatment for various reasons) with our MD Anesthesiologist in our office
- White Fillings and Crowns when restorative treatment can not be avoided
- Removal/Extraction of Baby Teeth
Digital X-rays
- Reducing your child's exposure by up to 90%

Laser dentistry
- Sports mouthguards to prevent athletic injuries
- Nightguards for patients who grind their teeth
- Treat cavities without anesthetic using Erbium Biolase Laser
- Frenectomy: a tongue tie and lip tie revision for infants and children experiencing difficulty with feeding or disturbances in sleep and growth